Saturday, August 27, 2005

Peace Corps' Autonomy???

Well, what is there to say. I feel like this is too important to pass up. Peace Corps' autonomy is under attack by the federal government. Read this article and tell me your thoughts.

Peace Corps Option for Military Recruits

Would JFK be rolling in his grave?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Snoring Neighbor....

When I first moved into my apartment, I was very happy to find that I don’t have a small twin bed but something like a double. It is nothing compared to my bed at home but this is the Peace Corps, right? My bed may not be quite as comfortable and homey but the circumstances at night remind me very much of home.

I go to bed at all different hours. Sometimes it is 9:00 if I have had a long day or its 5:00 am if I have had a long night partying. Whatever the case may be I lie in bed and try to go to sleep. But I always seem to have a bit of trouble. I have started drinking more coffee than I would like but that is just not it. The reason for my troubles comes from my neighbor. His apartment has a different entrance than mine so I have actually never met him. I have no idea if he is old or young, married with kids or a single bachelor. No matter because he SNORES!!!! I can hear him through the wall. I thought I escaped people snoring when I left home….

But even when I am cursing him as I lay awake, I realize I am smiling a bit. It reminds me of home, hearing by brother, John in the next room or my dad down the hall....and sometimes, even hearing my sister, Jenny in the same room. Although I am sure my family will deny that they snore, it just makes me laugh more than anything. I also can’t believe that these big concrete buildings are soo thin I can hear the guy next door snoring and night. Maybe I will try pounding on the wall (it’s not like I can move his pillow to make him stop).

Sunday, August 14, 2005

My First Bulgarian Birthday Adventure...

So, it all started in my great town Stara Zagora on Thursday night. My friend Julie came to town and we went out with some colleagues from my school. We had an assortment of drinks and good food...including cow tongue which I surprisingly liked! From there we had a night on the town at this quaint rock bar called "Little Rock". This is my favorite place in town. The shots were lined up on the bar and at midnight the party really got started. The bartender rang the bell to let everyone know it was my birthday and the dj played the California Girls by the beach boys followed by the California song from the OC. It was truly a good time.

In bed by 4 and awake by 7 to head to Sofia the next morning. Here we met up with some other volunteers and started the night off with a little beer pong. We were bringing it back to the college days. Headed to dinner...but got stuck in an elevator on the way down. Apparently you aren't supposed to squeeze 9 people in an elevator meant for 4 people. (Must have been that damn beer pong to cause our bad judgment.) I think I will be taking the stairs next time. We were stuck in there for about 10 minutes before someone came to rescue us. What a relief to get some fresh air.

After a good old 5 leva Chinese meal, we headed to a kick ass dive bar with live music. My favorite type! There was a little bit of everything played from Pearl Jam to Counting Crows, all covers of course. Much dancing and singing and drinking was involved. I think even a little air guitar by my friend Lincoln.

And again in bed by 4:30 and up by 8 to head to Habitat for Humanity. I cant say I was the most useful volunteer there that day. I think most people were just impressed I even made it. I had lots of water by my side and started shoveling and mixing cement.

Needless to say it was a rockin good time. Best way I could have imagined spending my first Bulgarian Birthday. Wish you all could have been here to help with the festivities. There is always next year :)

Friday, August 05, 2005

The "Bulgarian" Terminal...

So, I am lucky enough to live in a Peace Corps country that happens to have internet. I am not in a mud hut in Africa or in a shanty village in South America. I am in Bulgaria, a country that is slowly developing, a country with internet. And now I have figured out how to download movies. This is a very nice thing to get through some of those long and lonely days. The most recently downloaded movie: "The Terminal".

It is a movie based on a fictional Eastern European country and one man who gets caught at JFK airport, learns English, falls in love, becomes the hero of the airport, etc. etc. Anyway, it turns out that Tom Hanks is actually from Bulgaria! That's right, Tom Hanks speaks Bulgarian throughout the whole movie. The first time I watched this movie I was with my counterpart. He and his girlfiend were cracking up everytime he spoke! He even cursed in Bulgarian! His Bulgarian is not to shabby either. I can even understand him too. I have been told that the reason they use Bulgarian is that his wife, Rita Wilson (originally Margarita Brahimoff) is a Bulgarian! Now, if you have seen the movie, I wouldn't say that he is a typical Bulgarian but you gotta love a good image coming out of Eastern Europe!

The Terminal in the BG News

Above is an interesting article about it in the Sofia News. So if you get a moment in your busy lives, take time out and rent it. It is actually a quite enjoyable movie.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bumble Bees, Honey Bees, Yellow Jackets or Wasps...

You are sitting down at an outdoor cafe enjoying an iced tea, coffee or whatever your drink of choice happens to be. You are chatting away with your friends, parents, or even a friendly stranger. And suddenly!!!!!! A pesky little insect comes to stop by to visit your delightfully sweet drink.

Now, when I am in a situation like the above, I am one to silently (and sometimes not so silently) freak out. I have always had this crazy fear of getting stung. Ever since I was a little girl, I have had this notion that getting stung is the absolute worst pain one can have. The one time I was stung I cried and cried...and probably cried some more. But is really that bad?

Although I am sure to continue my mini freak outs, I am also a little bit determined to get stung. Sound crazy? It probably is. But I am just a bit curious what it actually feels like. Why am I so terrified of those buzzing insects? It's not like I am allergic.

Can anyone tell me what it actually feels like?