As you all read last time, the Stara Zagora crew had a big send off party for Matt. Well, yesterday was the day he finally got on the plane. And I was the one to send him off. His 2 years in Bulgaria were up and he was heading out for the next adventure. It was a day filled with lots of emotions, hugs and tears.

Matt and I have become best friends here in Bulgaria over the last year and a half. He has meant everything to me. He was always there for me. We shared so many stories, so many experiences, and were even lucky enough to travel together. It will be very strange without him around. Stara Zagora just won’t be the same without him. Without his cute smile, his quirky ways, and his just plain wonderful self. He is such an amazing person.

He will not only be missed by me, but also by all his friends here in Bulgaria, his Peace Corps friends, and all those he worked with. Each day leading up to his departure, he was always meeting up with people for coffee so they could say their last goodbye.

But for now, Matt is onto his next journey. As I am writing this, he has probably just landed in South Africa. He is working on a conservation project with a British organization for 2 weeks. Then we will travel around for an additional week before he heads to London for a week. And then, it is home sweet home.
So, as my life continues here in Stara Zagora, his life will continue back in the states. I am confident in our friendship and know it will last. But he will definitely be missed. I miss him already.