Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stara Zagora Gassed...

I just got to site and already I am being told to head warnings. Apparently Stara Zagora was gassed with sulfur dioxide (SO2) again this week. (I hope this isn't a common occurrence.) The concentration of the gas reached almost twice the permitted levels. It was reported that people had difficulty breathing and visibility was down to 1 km. The Peace Corps medical office called advising that I stay indoors with my windows shut. Even the Regional Environmental Inspector Office notified the city as well to warn people.

The cloud of gas came from the Maritsa-Istok thermal power plant which contains a sulfur-purifying installation. The staff of the thermal electric plant took all the necessary precautions and nobody expects hazardous gases emissions again.

(Sulfur dioxide is a yellow gas with a distinguished sharp smell causing nasal irritation. The short term effects include eye irritation (pink, watery, itchy eyes), cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath especially in asthmatics, children and older people with chronic lung diseases. Fortunately no long-term effects of acute exposure to sulfur dioxide are known.)

But to be honest, I didn't notice a thing. I enjoyed my first week out and about getting acquainted with my new home.

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