Monday, October 31, 2005

A Bulgarian Halloween...

Halloween in Bulgaria. Well, it doesn't exist. There were no costumes, candy or jack-o-lanterns. It was just another ordinary day in Bulgaria. People walking the streets, bundled up in the cold weather, going about their usual day.

But there is a Halloween for us Volunteers. It is what you make of it, right? I decided to avoid the big drunken debauchery in Veliko Turnovo where many volunteers used the day as another excuse to dress weird and party hard.

But I took a different route. I headed to a small village town of about 3,000 people. I think I am yet to be to a town that small. But it was actually very amazing. It is so unique in its own way. (I am not saying I would want to live there, but it was quite nice for a quiet, relaxing excursion.)

A few of us gathered for some good company, good food, and good times. We built a small bonfire on the top of the mountain, told stories (scary and not so scary) and made many many smores (marshmallows do not exist in Bulgaria). A great time was had by all. Even Georgi (our very own Bulgarian jack-o-lantern) enjoyed himself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessica,Nancy filled a bag of treats just for you,so you dont feel so out of place,thank God for big Bulgarian beers,@ least one thing is normal.
Uncle Steve