Just a glimpse into how Peace Corps volunteers celebrate the very American holiday. About 40 or so volunteers gathered at the blue house in the very beautiful town of Veliko Turnovo. We were able to get wild and crazy without any Bulgarians staring at us, shaking their heads.

Costumes included everything from Edward Scissorhands, a shower, jazzersize girl, a bulgarian grandma, an angel and devil, Evil Caneeval, a bulgarian soccer player, a catholic schoolgirl, a couple of cats, and much more.

And yup, thats me in the middle. I am a bee keeper. I have the big rubber boots, the mesh net hat thingy, and even the fogger to calm the bees. And you bet I am bringing that costume back to the states with me. Its just classic. Cant get much better than that.

Trick or treat!!!!
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