First, he got kidney stones. Dont ask me how, maybe it was the food, and maybe it was the water. Either way, he is now spoiled with distilled water that I drink, and special cat food that seems to cost me a fortune.
Second, he is such a whiner/pest. I set my alarm most mornings for 6:30 since class starts at 7:30. But really, there is no need. Costa already wakes me up between 4:30 and 5:30 begging for either food or water. This time is a bit awkward because I can never seem to fall back to sleep and if I do, it is right before my alarm really does go off.
And finally, he is such a trouble maker. I cant leave the little guy alone for a minute. Recently, I went out of town for the weekend thinking that I could leave Costa alone in the apartment. Afterall, cats are independent and pretty low maintanence. Upon my return, I noticed he wasnt walking normal. The cat had a bum leg! Can you believe it? He was limping all over the apartment. I took him to the vet (who probably thinks I am the worst pet owner, but that is beside the point, considering most Bulgarians could care less about the stray animal population.) So, anyways, the vet took some X-rays and discovered he partially fractured his toe. Now tell me, how does a cat do that? The vet gave me some medicine and instructed me to monitor the situation. As of now, Costa is still limping, but remains his usual playful self. I will take him to the vet tomorrow and see what the vet says.
But at the end of the day, I am still so happy with my little friend and cant imagine Bulgaria without him. Dont worry folks, you will have the chance to meet him when I bring him home with me (he even has a kitty passport.)
On a side note, doesnt this picture of Costa look like a glamour shot you would take in the mall with your family. He would be worth it!
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