So, I decided to do a little research into the incident. I googled "cats licks things" and I came across some rather unusual links. All about cats licking things. Here are some quotes from the links about people's cats licking unusual things.
"My cat licks plastic"
"She licks articifical flowers and the leaves in two arrangements. She licks the lid on the wicker hamper, she licks the living room furniture, occasionally the carpet. And who knows what else when I don't see her."
"My female cat, Bob, cannot keep her tongue in her head. I found her and her daughter in an Arboretum parking lot five years ago. She licks my hair, tries to lick my ears, licks my hands, the carpet, her daughter, the newspaper, etc. I don't know what to tell you, except...I'm used to it. I think some cats are just a little strange..."
"Some of mine are perpetual lickers; others you wouldn't know they had a tongue except at mealtime. LOL. Plastic bags seem to be a real big turn on. Since plastic is petroleum based, maybe that is the reason? My vet isn't concerned and I don't mind running around with soaking wet hair on the side of my head where they are sleeping so guess all is well."
"Our 18 year old girl, Tiffany, has been a licker all her life. She licks the window screens, the fireplace stone, and me any time she can. It has not hurt her, even the vet says she is an amazing cat at her age."
"My kitty licks terra cotta flowerpots, a piece of decorative coral, a few select toys and sometimes me."
"I once had a neutered Siamese mix who had a fetish for rubber gloves."
"Some cats are lickers. Lily LOVES to lick anything plastic or paper. She would rather lick paper than eat some hamburger."
"My cat likes to lick the walls and eat the toilet paper off the role."
What a strange culture. The cat culture. Cat lovers. People are crazy when it comes to their cats. And I am just as crazy. But man, I really hope I don't turn into a cat lady that walks around her house in a ratty old bath robe and slippers trying to feed 7 different stray cats.
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