Anyways, here is Stara Zagora's bus schedule. It sometimes amazes me that people rely on this schedule. If a bus no longer runs, they black it out. If the time changes, they correct it in pen on the board. Is it just me or is this absurd? Isn't there a better, more reliable system. Sofia has it made with a wonderful website in English and Bulgarian, but I guess I would expect no less from the capital.
I wonder if, when I come back to Stara in say 5 years, will they still have the same schedule board? Oh, I hope not. I hope to see some major changes...especially in the Stara Zagora bus station. For being the 5th largest city, that station really needs some work with not only repairs but getting rid of all the sketch masters that wander around creeping me out.
This is one of those moments where I say to myself...."Ah, Bulgaria." And everything is okay and makes perfect sense.