Sound funny? Well, I think it will actually be more useful than it sounds. I hope so anyways. It is a 3 day conference filled with sessions. Lots and lots of sessions. We will learn about all the logistics that come with leaving service. Things like our readjustment allowance, health insurance, non competitive status when applying for work within the government, possible fellowship opportunities, and much more. The conference is followed by an official dinner where speeches are given and awards received. As 36 of us, give or take a few (we came to BG with 50), bring closure to our 2 year service at this conference, I will look around the room and probably never see some of the faces before me, and some I know I will be friends with forever. It is a strange feeling. Leaving such a influential time of your life behind. Moving on to new adventures.
But not to fret, there are no teary eyes here because I have so much to look forward to in the coming days, weeks, and months. Directly after the COS conference I am headed on my first solo trip through Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and maybe even Poland if I can hack it. I am rather excited to travel by myself. Never having done it before, I am sure it will be quite interesting, with lots of time for reflection. But the best part of flying solo is that I don't have to answer to anyone. I am my own boss. So, wish me luck. And I will write upon my return in a couple of weeks.
(*Note: July 2005...the picture is at my swearing with my training group, the PC director, and our language trainer. We started with 5 and are down to two. Although for COS, my wing man Lincoln will not be around as he is in the states for a few weeks. It's just gonna be me.)