As I said before a hidja is a mountain chalet that is very cabin like where most hikers seek refuge after a long day out. We opted to stay in Hidja Uzana as our place of refuge. Thinking we were in for a quiet night, we couldn't have been more wrong.
The hidja was actually packed with a group of young youths, mostly boys with their adult leaders. Also in attendance were none other than my students. I just cant seem to ever escape them. Who would have thought that I would randomly run into 4 of my students on the top of the mountain in a run down mountain chalet. Not me, that is for sure.
Kathy, Melody and I decided it best to hang with the adults and owners of the place. We enjoyed lots of strong rakia, sweet vodka, tasy and yet at the same time very interesting food, and shared some good conversation. When I say interesting food, I mean disgusting. Halfway through the evening, the owner comes in and presents us with a large plate of something. He said it was meat. But from the looks of it, it didnt look like anything you would want to eat. He cut up the meat and gave us some to try telling us it was head and stomach. Gross! I cant believe I just ate head meat. But head of what, you ask? Head of a cow. Oh yeah, here is the picture to prove it....
Gross, gross, gross. There wasn't even any meat left on the skull.
When it was time for bed, we headed upstairs to sleep. Finally it was time to hit our heads to the pillow and zonk out. Unfortunately, we were unable to sleep like babies through the night as the party of young boys downstairs played their obnoxious Bulgarian music at a decibil of 10 all night. It literally didnt stop until 8 in the morning. So much for a good nights rest.
Upon leaving the hidja the next morning, we were assaulted by the extreme drop in temperatures from the previous day. From the time it took us to walk from the hidja to the bus stop, there was frost in our hair and tears down our cheeks from the cold, cold weather.
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