Over the past 2 years I have come to call Bulgaria my home. I have come to accept all the "strange" ways of life here. (I only put strange in quotes because actually it is all quite normal. Normal for Bulgarians. And normal for me who calls this place her second home.)
I no longer feel the need to wait in line as Bulgarians tend to prefer the mob option. I no longer throw beat up clothes in the trash, but rather leave things worth recycling right next to the dumpster in a neat little bag for someone to pick up and use. I don't mind the sidewalks seeping of mud after it rains, now I just walk on the street like everyone else. I can now sit with my colleagues drinking the same tea or coffee for hours. I have even started believing some of their strange superstitions, like if you leave your purse on the floor all your money will walk away. I can walk into a small grocery store and I no longer have to point for what I want but rather say what I want with my perfect grocery store vocabulary. I have embraced the opposite head nod, yes for no, and no for yes. I could go on for hours I am sure, but I will stop here. Let me just say, I know longer feel awkward in this culture but rather I embrace it, I love it.
But as my Peace Corps service is coming to an end, I have to start looking ahead. I have to start seriously thinking about what I am going to do with my life when I return. I have to take this time, these last few months in Bulgaria and do some serious reflection and thinking on my goals, my service and life in general. This is a time for me. This is a time for new beginnings. I still have a few things I want to do before I leave, a few more places I want to explore. The next few months will be a challenge without a doubt. Having to say goodbye to not only PCVs, but colleagues, friends and the country itself. A life I have come to enjoy and love, even with all its oddities. Thats what makes it interesting.
So here is to new beginnings and new paths to walk. Onwards and upwards, right? Right!
(*Please note: Spring is in the air! Woooo hoooooo!!!)
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