Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Teacher or Student??

So I know I am obviously a teacher here in Bulgaria and at the same time a student, learning new things everyday. (Aren't we all students?)

But here is the thing. At my school, there are two different entrances to the school building. One in the front for teachers only and one in the back for students. At the teacher's entrance, there is a lady that sits at the door to stop students from coming and going through the teachers only door. I think I get stopped at least once a week if not once a day by a different lady (the lady guarding the door changes constantly). They think I am trying to be a sneaky kid and take the short way in or out. As soon as I explain that I am a teacher they let me pass. (These ladies are like the troll in the Three Billy Goat Gruff's story.) Just let me pass, why even have two different entrances??

Every time this happens it just makes me laugh. I know I look young, but do I really look like I am a high school student?

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