Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am the coolest!!!

So today was my big day.

My program manager and my principal of the school I teach at observed my teaching. (Keep in mind, my principal doesn't speak English so that eased the nerves a bit.) But anyways, they observed my absolute worst class that I have. This is a class where the boys are running around the classroom like wild monkeys, they are always getting into fights and sometimes even try to throw the little runt of the class out the window (obviously without success every time).

But when we walked into class today, my students were perfect angels. They were all sitting quietly at their desks anxious for class to start. It was like the beginning of those scenes you see in movies where the class is perfect because they are playing tricks on the teachers. But no tricks were played....

...And I kicked some major ass. They LOVED me!!! And my students in line for once they actually thought the lesson was interesting.

So, the after class critique...My director loves me! She thinks I am doing a great job and have adjusted to everything really well. She has heard nothing but good things about me and thinks the students take to me very well. My PC program manager also thought I was a very good teacher. I was confident and poised and had control of my students. I was very prepared and organized. He also really liked my ideas and the material I was teaching.

Man....I am soo cool!!! (for today anyways...)

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