Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving in Stara Zagora...

...was more like a regular day than what you would think of as Thanksgiving. There was no turkey, mashed potatoes, or cranberry sauce. Instead, we enjoyed shopska salad (cucumbers and tomatoes and feta cheese), pizza, pasta or lasagna. But I can say, there was lots and lots of wine and laughter. (As you can see by our purple mouths.)

But dont fret, I managed to get a bite a turkey a few days later. I traveled up to Vidin for the weekend of thanksgiving. Vidin is located in the north east part of Bulgaria and it only took me about 9 hours of traveling on a stuffy bus. The company consisted of about 18 people total...some new and old volunteers and Buglarians. We had more than enough food and managed to cook a pretty standard thanksgiving feast. And I was most thankful to share the special time with all my PC friends.

Happy thanksgiving and gobble gobble...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how big was your turkey? Ours was 22 lbs. and I can say I am now tired of turkey sandwichs. You get to help next year.

Love, Dad