Saturday, August 25, 2007

What is filled with goo and green all over?

My gross infected toe! Yes, I know my riddle is pretty bad, but I just cant seem to escape all the issues that surround my feet. It is bad enough that feet are smelly and not known to be the prettiest body part ever, but mine just happen to be the grossest things you ever saw. (Well, maybe not the grossest.)

It all started last summer. My family was in Bulgaria visiting and I got an infection in my big toe nail. My mom came with me to the Peace Corps doctors where they told me I would have to have a procedure done to take out my ingrown toenail. (ICK!) Later in the summer, they did the procedure and I passed with flying colors. No infection, no nastiness.

This summer, my mom had to take me to a Greek hospital. I showed off my toe to an EMT and she reccommended I go to the public hospital in town to get it checked out. I would have held off until I got back to Bulgaria or even the states, but it just seemed to get worse and worse. And I didnt think that with all the heat, sweat and dirt, it was making things better. This hospital was something out of a movie back in the 50s. It was old, run down and no one spoke English, but that was only to be expected. I paid 5 Euros, and waited about 2 hours and finally saw a doctor. He just looked at my toe (didnt even bother to put on gloves), wrote up a prescription and I was on my way.

It was quite an interesting interaction with his broken English, and my complete lack of any Greek except "prost" which means cheers. And I didnt really think that would get me anywhere except a good spot at the bar.

Needless to say by the looks of my toe slowly progressing from bad to worse, I filled the presription, and let the magic begin. It was a gel like substance I had to rub on the infected area. Lucky for me it was hot sandal weather!

Over the course of the trip, my toe slowly started to heal. The yellowy-green pus was released, and my toe back to normal. But I will tell you one thing, I dont ever want to end up in another foreign hospital, especially without a translator. That was 7 too many times (5 times in Bulgaria, and 2 times in Greece). Yikes!


Anonymous said...

I was there and it was nasty!

Unknown said...

nice toes