Sunday, May 20, 2007

My SPA Project...

And I dont mean the kind of spa where you go to relax. So what is SPA??

SPA stands for Small Project Assistance. It is a a joint collaboration between USAID and Peace Corps aimed at building the capacity of local communities and organizations to reach shared goals. The program was established in 1983 and uses the human and technical resources of Peace Corps, along with the financial resources of USAID, to encourage sustainable, effective development projects.

(Before picture of English Resource Room)

SPA is a grassroots program that allows Peace Corps volunteers to design and carry out their own projects. Through the SPA program, volunteers are able to assist communities in identifying common concerns, develop strategies to address these concerns and design and implement small-scale, sustainable projects.

(Another before shot of the old room)

And since being a volunteer here, I have successfully written my very own SPA. The goal of my project was to create an English library and multi-media resource room. My school, Romain Rolland Foreign Language School, was founded in 1966 and has developed into the 3rd best school in the country, a language school no less. And as the country is gradually integrating into the European Union, there is a greater need for multi lingual skills. This trend highlights a serious need to develop the education resources in the community. And that is exactly what we have decided to do.

(After photo: The Multi Media Resource Room and English Library.)

If you walk into most schools in the states, and even most schools in Europe you will find that almost all the classrooms are equipped with a TV and DVD player or VCR. This is something rare to even find in the entirety of a Bulgarian school. Schools here not only lack the media resources but also the educational resources such as books. In some schools, students do not even have the right text book for class usually due to lack of money. Again, something that is taken for granted in the states.

(Another after shot of new room)

So, my project addresses these resource needs as well as the needs of not only technical training but professional training as well. We, meaning me and my project team, have created an English library and multi media resource room. The new resources include shelves and hundreds of new books (contemporary literature, the classics, SAT and TOEFL prep books, and teacher training books.) We also purchased a new computer, printer, projector, TV, etc.

As for the training aspect of the project,
selected teachers received training on how to use the new library material and technologies. These teachers are now able to take their new acquired knowledge to train other teachers. Our current project will further allow teachers to develop their professional skills by incorporating different teaching methods in the classroom, therefore addressing the needs of students with different learning styles. It will also offer students extra material to develop their own language skills.

The project has proven to be quite a success as the room is always booked for classes and sometimes over booked.
Quite a project if I do say so myself!

(Me unpacking new books bought with SPA funds!!)

After thoroughly enjoying writing my SPA project, I decided to join the SPA project committee. Each quarter, volunteers submit their project proposal drafts to members of the SPA committee (there are 8 members). We then read the drafts, comment on them and give feedback on how they can be improved. The volunteers submit their final drafts by a certain deadline where all they have to next is wait. The committee reads all projects submitted, scores their project according to a matrix, and heads to Sofia for the meeting. During the meeting we discuss at length the projects, the positive and negative things about each project, and then essentially vote on the project. They are either funded with conditions or advised to revised and resubmit.

I had my last SPA meeting this past week in Sofia (hence why I am writing this ever too long blog). Although at times I thought, "Not another project", I really enjoy this type of work. I have learned so much about grant writing and working on a diverse team. Sometimes I think I would really like to get into a field of work that includes project writing and review. I will continue to review projects if they come to me until I COS, but after that, it will be up to the remaining 6 members of the committee who still have a few extra months left in their service. I wish the committee and the applicants the best of luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be very proud of your accomplishment!